Privacy politicy march 15, 2021

Who are we?

The address of our website is:

This privacy policy defines and informs you of how our company (‘the company’) uses and protects the information you provide to us, if any, when you use this site accessible from the following URL: (‘site’).

Please note that this privacy policy is likely to be modified or supplemented at any time, in particular in order to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments. In such a case, the date of its updating will be clearly identified at the top of this policy. These changes engage the user as soon as they are put online. It is therefore necessary for the user to consult this privacy policy and to use the cookies on a regular basis in order to be aware of any changes.


Horloger at Lançon-Provence
Chemin du Well de l’Olivier, 13680 Lançon-Provence
Phone: 06 19 91 91 76



Use of personal data collected

Generally speaking, you can visit the “site” without communicating any personal information about you. In any case, you are in no way obligated to transmit this information.

However, in the event of a refusal, you may not be able to benefit from certain information or services you have requested. In this respect, we will be prompted, in some cases, to ask you to fill in your name, first name, email address, telephone number, company and function (hereafter your “personal information”). By providing this information, you expressly agree that they will be treated by us.

In accordance with the General Data Protection regulation adopted by the European Parliament on 14 April 2016 and the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended, we inform you of the following points:

Purposes of the treatment

We are is likely to process your personal information:

  • For the purpose of providing you with the information or services you have requested (Newsletter, commercial offer…)
  • For the purpose of collecting information enabling us to improve our Site, our products and services (including through cookies);
  • For the purpose of being able to contact you as part of the relationship that follows.


“The company” is the sole recipient of your personal information. These, whether in individual or aggregate form, are never transmitted to a third party, notwithstanding the subcontractors to which we appeal. Neither “the company” nor any of its subcontractors shall carry out the marketing of the personal data of visitors and users of the “site”.

Shelf life

Your personal information is kept only for the time corresponding to the purpose of the collection as indicated above which in any event cannot exceed 36 months.


When you leave a comment on our website, the data entered in the comment form, but also your IP address and your browser user agent are collected to help us comment spam detection.

An anonymous string created from your e-mail (also known as a hash) address may be sent to the Gravatar service to check if you use the latter. The confidentiality clauses of the Gravatar service are available here: After validating your comment, your profile photo will be publicly visible next to your comment.


If you are a registered user and you are uplinking images to the “site”, we advise you to avoid uplinking images containing EXIF data from GPS coordinates. Visitors to the “site” can download and retrieve location data from these images.

Contact forms

By validating the forms proposed, you agree that the data entered be used, exploited, processed to allow you to be contacted, in the context of the relationship that results from it.

Your data storage times

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This allows to recognize and automatically approve the following comments instead of leaving them in the moderation queue.

For users who register on the “site” (if possible), we also store the personal data indicated in their profile. All users and users can see, change or delete their personal information at any time (with the exception of their name of utilisateur·ice). The site managers can also view and modify this information.

Rights you have on your data

If you have an account or if you have left comments on the “site”, you can request to receive a file containing all the personal data we have about you, including the ones you have provided to us. You can also request the deletion of the personal data about you. This does not account data stored for administrative and legal purposes or for security reasons.

Transmission of your personal data

Feedback from visitors can be checked using an automated comment spam detection service.

More information


If you file a comment on the “site”, you will be asked to register your name, email address and website in cookies. It is only for your convenience so they don’t have to enter this information if you submit another comment later. These cookies expire after one year.

If you have an account and you log on to the “site”, a temporary cookie will be created to determine if your browser accepts cookies. It contains no personal data and will be deleted automatically to your browser is closed.

When you log in, we will implement a number of cookies to save your login information and preferences screen. The life expectancy of a logon cookie is two days, that of a cookie to display option is one year. If you check ‘Remember me’, your login cookie will be kept for two weeks. If you sign out of your account, the logon cookie will be deleted.

By modifying or publishing an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie contains no personal data. It simply indicates the ID of the article that you just modified. It expires at the end of a day.

Setting your preferences on cookies

You can accept or refuse the deposit of cookies at any time

When you first log on to the “site”, a banner with brief information about the deposit of cookies and similar technologies appears at the bottom of your screen. This banner alerts you that by continuing your browsing on the “site” (by loading a new page or by clicking on various elements of the site for example), you accept the deposit of cookies on your terminal. You are also deemed to have agreed to the cookies deposit by clicking on the “X” icon to the right of the banner at the bottom of your screen.

Depending on the type of cookie involved, the collection of your consent to the deposit and the reading of cookies on your terminal may be imperative.

  • Consent-Exempt cookies

In accordance with the recommendations of the National Commission on Informatics and Freedoms (CNIL), certain cookies are exempted from the prior collection of your consent insofar as they are strictly necessary for the operation of the site Internet or have the sole purpose of enabling or facilitating electronic communication. These include cookies for session ID, authentication, load balancing session, and customization cookies for your interface. These cookies are fully subject to this policy in so far as they are issued and managed by “the company”.

  • Cookies that require the prior collection of your consent

This requirement concerns cookies issued by third parties that are referred to as “persistent” as long as they remain in your terminal until they are cancelled or expired.

Such cookies being issued by third parties, their use and deposit are subject to their own privacy policies which you will find a link below. This cookie family includes audience measurement cookies (including Google analytics), advertising cookies (which “the company” does not use) as well as social network sharing cookies (including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn…).

Audience measurement cookies Establish statistics about the attendance and use of various elements of the website (such as the content/pages you have visited). These data contribute to the improvement of the ergonomics of the “site”.

Google analytics whose privacy policy is available from the following link:

Social networking cookies are issued and managed by the social network publisher concerned. Subject to your consent, these cookies allow you to easily share some of the content published on the “site”, including through an application “button” sharing according to the social network concerned.

Facebook, which you can view the cookie policy by clicking on the following link:

LinkedIn, whose cookie policy can be found by clicking on the following link:

Twitter, which you’ll find options for controlling or restricting the use of cookies, and the cookie-use policy: https://s

YouTube, which you’ll find with the help you need to remove cookies from the Chrome browser by clicking on the following link but also the full cookie policy from the following link: https:/

  • You have various cookie setting tools

Most Internet browsers are configured by default so that the cookie depot is allowed. Your browser offers you the opportunity to change these standard settings so that all cookies are rejected systematically or that only part of the cookies are accepted or rejected according to their issuer.

WARNING: We draw your attention to the fact that the refusal to deposit cookies on your device is nevertheless likely to affect your user experience as well as your access to certain services or features of this “site.” Where applicable, “the company” shall not be liable for any consequences arising from the degradation of your navigational conditions which occur because of your choice to refuse, delete or block the cookies necessary for the operation of the ” Site “. These consequences cannot be a damage and you will not be able to claim any compensation for this.

Your browser also allows you to delete existing cookies on your terminal or to report to you when new cookies are likely to be deposited on your terminal. These settings do not affect your browsing but you lose all the benefit of the cookie.

Please see the various tools available to you so that you can set up the cookies deposited on your terminal.

  • Setting up your Internet browser

Each Internet browser has its own cookie management settings. To find out how to change your cookie preferences, you will find below the links to help you need to access your browser’s menu for this purpose:



Internet Explorer:



For more information on cookie control tools, please visit the CNIL website:

Content embedded from other sites

The articles of the “site” can include integrated content (e.g. videos, images, articles…). Content embedded from other sites behaves the same way if the visitor was on that other site.

These web sites may collect data on you, use cookies, get third-party monitoring tools and track your interactions with those content shipped if you have an account logged on their website.

Computer rights and freedoms

You have the following rights regarding your personal information, which you can exercise by writing us at our postal address indicated above.

  • Right of access and communication of data

You have the ability to access personal information that concerns you.

However, due to the obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data which is the responsibility of “the company”, you are informed that your application will be processed provided that you report proof of your identity by The production of a signed photocopy of your valid identity.

“The company” shall be entitled, where appropriate, to oppose patently abusive claims (by number, repetitiveness or systematics).

To help you in your approach you will find by clicking on the following link a model of mail developed by the National Commission of Information Technology and liberties (“CNIL”).

  • Right to rectify data

Under this law, the law authorizes you to request rectification, updating, locking or erasing of the data concerning you which may prove to be incorrect, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.

Also, you can define general and specific guidelines for the fate of personal data after your death. Where appropriate, the heirs of a deceased person may require the death of their loved one and/or the necessary updates to be taken into account.

To help you in your process, especially if you wish to exercise, for your own account or on behalf of one of your deceased relatives, your right of rectification, you will find by clicking on the link following a model of mail developed by the CNIL.

  • Right of opposition

The exercise of this right is only possible in one of the following two situations:

Where the exercise of this right is based on legitimate groun
ds; orWhen the purpose of exercising this right is to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial exploration.
To help you in your approach, you will find by clicking on the link following a model of mail developed by the CNIL.

Response time

“The company” undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any further request for information within a reasonable period of time that cannot exceed 1 month from the date of receipt of your application.

Authorised providers and transfer to a third country of the European Union

“The company” uses authorized providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data you communicate. These providers may be located outside the European Union and have communicated the data collected through the various forms present on the Site.

“The company” has previously ensured the implementation by its providers of adequate guarantees and strict conditions in terms of confidentiality, use and protection of data. In particular, vigilance has been focused on the existence of a legal basis for carrying out any transfer of data to a third country.

Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that “the company” does not meet its obligations with respect to your personal information, you may send a complaint or request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL to which you can apply electronically by clicking on the following link:

How we protect your data

We protect your data with the use of http encryption.

Procedures implemented in the event of data leakage

In compliance with the legislation, we will inform in full transparency about the situation within 3 days maximum. We will inform the CNIL (National Commission of Information Technology and liberties). People whose data have been pirated will be notified if the leak can create a real risk for their rights and freedoms (sensitive data).